Flight Training

Though we don’t offer this service here, Get Inspired Flight is our recommended source for flight training once you’re ready to jump into an airplane.

Laura T-G owns and operates Get Inspired Flight, which is a mom-and-pop shop based out of Pickens County Airport in Georgia. Her husband, David, works with her as the primary flight instructor, and they have been flying in one way or another since 2008. They currently specialize in Sport Pilot Certification, and teach in a Jabiru tricycle gear light-sport airplane (“Kanga”) and a BushCat taildragger light-sport airplane (“Kitty”), as well as their flight simulator (“Kowalski”) for those rainy days.

Laura and David truly love aviation, and their enthusiasm is genuine and contagious — a wonderfully conducive environment to learn how to fly! Check out their site www.getinspiredflight.com for details.